How to open Instagram messages without the read indicator showing

 How to open Instagram messages without the read indicator showing

What is the Instagram app?
It is one of the modern social media, through which videos and photos are shared. In addition to calls and messages, it was created by Mike Craigow and Kevin Systrom and it was first launched in October 2010 through iOS.
And its second launch was in April 2012, through the Android organization, and in the same year it was launched again by the desktop organization, but with fewer advantages than the advantages of smart phones. And in the year 2014 AD, it was launched by the Fire OS system.
Instagram became available for Windows 10 in 2016. And Instagram continued to diversify and update the features, until it reached in recent years to modify photos and share them with filters with the addition of drawings and music clips in addition to stickers for the weather, time and geographical area, as well as stickers for some occasions such as the holy month of Ramadan and holidays.
One of the features that made Instagram an application that is used daily is the status or story, where the user shares a video clip or photo, and it disappears as soon as 24 hours have passed from the time it was shared. In addition to sharing news with international and important magazines.
How to read Instagram messages without the read indicator showing
Many Instagram users are looking for a way to read incoming messages without the sender’s reading indicator appearing, that is, the Seen sign does not appear with the message, which means it has been seen, because the user wants to know the content of the message, but without the sender knowing that you have read it, as this matter causes embarrassment to the user.
Despite the update that Instagram has reached today, no feature has been introduced that hides the appearance of the message read indicator, but there are two ways to do so. 
The second method is to read messages from the place designated for incoming notifications, but care must be taken to keep notifications always open. This method is the most common today, but it may not work for two reasons. The first reason is to activate the mute feature for the sender, and the other reason is the size of the message that may be large.
How to restrict Instagram friends to read a message without them knowing
If you want to restrict someone on Instagram, you must follow these steps:
  • First Step: Click on the sender’s page from the Messages section. Three options will appear at the bottom of the screen.
  • The second step: Click on the first option, which is Restrict. A question will appear to you, “Do you have a problem with this user?” Click on Restrict Account, and then the message will go to the page of strange messages or correspondence requests.
The second method:
  • First Step: Go to the sender’s personal page, three dots will appear on the top right of the screen, and you will click on them.
  • The second step: After pressing, several options will appear for you. You choose the first option, which is Restrict, and then press OK. At the same moment, the message moves to the Strange Messages or Correspondence Requests section.
How to unblock Instagram
In order to unblock some people on Instagram so that you can respond to restricted messages, you must follow these steps:
  • The first step: When you enter the messages section, you will see the messages that you have registered and the messages that have been sent to you by people you did not add.
  • The second step: Choose the message that you want to answer or unrestrict from. Three icons will appear for you at the bottom of the screen. Choose the icon on the right, “Unrestrict”, and then the message will move to the private messages section.
How to hide the Seen tag
The Seen sign means the messages have been seen, in order to be able to hide them, you must follow these steps:
  • First Step: The “insapro 2” application must be present on your smartphone. After entering the application, you must log in and create your own page.
  • Step two: Click on the three bars at the top of the screen, so that the menu bar appears, then choose the Settings icon.
  • Third Step: Click on the word privacy or privacy in one of the settings sections, then click on Activity Status or Activit Statue, or on Show Activity Statue. Deactivate by clicking on these icons.
How do you know if a person has read your messages or not
The only way to know if a person has read your messages or not is the following method:
  • The first step: After entering the Instagram application, click on the personal messages section located on the right side at the top of the screen, then enter the message that you want to know if the person has read it.
  • The second step: If the message reaches the desired person, the Sent icon will appear to you, and if it does not appear, you may have a problem with Wi-Fi or the Internet, or there is a problem with Instagram, and if the Seen icon appears, this means that your message has been read.
Other ways to read messages without showing the read indicator
If you want to read some of the messages sent to you, but without the knowledge of the sender, you can take the following steps:
  • The first step: turn off the Internet on the phone or activate the flight feature, then click on the personal messages section located on the right side at the top of the screen, then enter the message that you want to read so that you can read it without the sender knowing.
  •  Second Step: After you have finished reading your messages, go to your Instagram profile, then click on the bars at the top right of the screen.
  • Third Step: Click on the Settings icon, scroll the page to the bottom, and click Cancel Login.
  • Step Four: After you have done the previous steps, exit the Instagram application, then turn on the Internet or cancel the flight feature, then enter the Instagram application again, then re-log in.
  • Step 5: Go to the messages section, you will see that your incoming messages have not been read.
  • This method is considered one of the best and most used methods, and you can use it without having to download any application on your smartphone.
How to hide visible from Instagram
Hide appearance is one of the easiest features in the application and you do not need to download other applications, so you can follow the following steps:
  • The first step: Open the Instagram application, then go to the Settings section.
  • Step two: Scroll the screen to the bottom and then click on the Privacy and Security icon.
  • The third step: Several icons will appear for you. Click on the Activity Status icon, then stop the activity status by clicking on the stop sign in the same icon.
After these steps, you can activate the state of hiding activity or your last appearance, and in this case, your entry and exit from Instagram will be completely hidden. It is worth noting that if you do not hide your appearance or activity status, it will appear only to the people you follow or you may have talked to earlier.

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